Monday, November 2, 2009

Two Months of Inklings!

Dear Inklings' Loyal Followers:

This week marks the 2 month anniversary of Inklings! We are so excited to have had the opportunity to hear from so many different people sharing a variety of poems that they've written or just love. What a fun couple of months for us.  You are constantly challenging us to become better readers and writers.  We enjoy getting together every week (usually at your local Modesto Starbucks, though lately we've been teleconferencing between Modesto and San Fran--talk about professional!) and spending some quality time with your words. In case there was any doubt, we really do spend at least a couple hours each week with the submissions we get, discussing what we like, what we think could be improved, and how we have such brilliant friends. That's you, people.

So where do we go from here? We have some ideas in mind--collaborations, special holiday editions, themed submissions--but it all hinges on you continuing to send us your favorite and original work! Also, if you ever have any suggestions for how we can improve our little journal, we'd love to hear them because, really, it is your journal too. On that note, we'd just like to remind you that while we have a lot of fun discussing the poetry with each other, we want you to be in the conversation with us. So for you noble souls who dare to click outside their RSS feed and leave a comment for the Inkler(s) of the Week, keep it up!

 Signing off from spinning chair in the valley and a desk at a hotel near SF,

Katy & Megan


  1. We even worked out the that/which conundrum, including restrictive and nonrestrictive clauses. Without Inklings, we may never have taken the time to figure it out--THEN where would we be?!

  2. Don't forget about our exciting lesson in "N dashes" and "M dashes!" They should call us Inklings University for all the learning we do around here!
