Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Greetings and Guidelines

Welcome to Inklings Journal. We are excited you have found us, and look forward to your submissions and comments. Please check every Tuesday for new entries showing work from known and unknown writers alike :)

Inklings Journal is made up of regular people, mostly idealistic post-grads, who love writing and want to grow in our skills as we build a community of writers. That said, we invite your participation in this altruistic, exclusively online, free journal.

Guidelines for submission:
  • We accept original and favorite (and cited) poetry, fiction and creative non-fiction works, up to 500 words (negotiable if fantastic).
  • Submit by e-mail (inklingsjournal@gmail.com) in the body of the e-mail, please. No snail mail yet.
  • Please only send up to 3 poems, and 1 short fiction/non-fiction per week.
  • We will post submissions based on what fits with the heart of a journal, not necessarily what is most technically impressive. We will give feedback if your submission doesn't fit our purpose (please see Inklings Journal's "about me").
  • We're looking for work that is accessible, authentic, and demonstrates a love of language and an appreciation for beauty.
  • We don't like restrictions for writing, but have prepared a short presentation of what we don't want:
If you'd like to be in our clique
Here's a helpful limerick:
Metered rhyme is always fine
Hallmark greetings cross the line
If you hate your leaders, that's ok
But say it in a care-full way!
Be real, be true, say what you will,
But meaningful language gives a thrill
We're so excited to read your stuff
As long as it's not a bunch of fluff!

We hope you enjoy our Inklings!

Co-Editors and Founders Katy and Megan

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