We hope that you are all having a very warm holiday season. We are approaching the time of year when many people reflect on what has passed and make decisions for the year to come. At Inklings, this means we continue our pursuit of new ways to connect through creative ventures.
We know that many of you make resolutions, so we thought it would be a fun project to compile your New Years' resolutions into a poem. It's quick and painless for you:
Step 1: Send in your resolution by Friday, January 1 (either as a comment in the blog or an e-mail to Inklingsjournal@gmail.com)
Step 2: Check back next week to see the poem we come up with. (Good, bad, or just plain entertaining, you'll want to read it, trust us.)
No matter how mundane, ridiculous, or serious your resolution, we want to hear from you--otherwise the poem we write will be incredibly boring.
As always, we love to see your original creations in the Inklings in-box (it brings joy to our hearts). Let this be the year that your New Years' resolution is to submit your work to Inklings. We think that's a pretty great resolution!
Your doting co-editors,
Katy & Megan